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2019年 中国科午夜直播app 院士





1986芝加哥大学 物理系 物理学 博士

1981中国科学技术大学 力学系 学士


2018年 理论与实验结合,解释了困扰生物学界70余年的关于细菌生长的一个经典问题

2013年 与邓宏魁合作提出干细胞重编程的“跷跷板模型”

2009年 用理论与计算的方法研究生化适应性网络,找出了其中普适性的设计原理

2004年 将非线性科学的理论应用到生物调控网络的研究,提出了生物系统稳定性的理论解释

1996年 将统计物理思想引入蛋白质折叠理论,提出可设计性原理

1987年 提出自组织临界性的概念及理论,在非平衡统计物理与复杂系统方面开创了一个新领域




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  84. C. J. Ryan, A. Roguev, K. Patrick, J. Xu, H. Jahari, Z. Tong, P. Beltrao, M. Shaels, H. Qu, S. R. Collins, J. I. Kliegman, L. Jiang, D. Kuo, E. Toshi, H. S. Kim, W. Edelmann, M. C. Keogh, D. Greene, C. Tang, P. Cummimgham, K. M. Shokat, G. Cagney, J. P. Svensson, C. Guthrie, P. J. Espenshade, T. Ideker, N. J. Krogan*. Hierarchical modularity and the evolution of genetic interactomes across species. Molecular Cell 46, 691-704 (2012).
  85. Q. Ouyang*, L. Lai, C. Tang. Designing the scientific cradle for quantitative biologists. ACS Synth. Biol. 1, 254-255 (2012).
  86. A. H. Chau, J. M. Walter, J Gerardin, C. Tang*, W. A. Lim*. Designing synthetic regulatory networks capable of self-organizing cell polarization. Cell 151, 320-332 (2012).
  87. Lim, W. A.*, C. M. Lee, and C. Tang. Design principles of regulatory networks: searching for the molecular algorithms of the cell. Mol Cell 49, 202-12 (2013).
  88. Zhang, M. and Tang, C.* A new inter- and multi-disciplinary forum for modeling, engineering and understanding life. Quantitative Biology 1 (1): 1-2 (2013).
  89. C. M. Lee*, Gong, S., Tang, C. and Lim, W. A. Bridging cross-cultural gaps in scientific exchange through innovative team challenge workshops. Quantitative Biology 1(1): 3-8 (2013).
  90. Shu, J., Wu, C., Wu, Y., Li, Z., Shao, S., Zhao, W., Tang, X., Yang, H., Shen, L., Zuo, X., Yang, W., Shi, Y., Chi, X., Zhang, H., Gao, G., Shu, Y., Yuan, K., He, W., Tang, C.*, Zhao, Y., and Deng, H.* Induction of pluripotency in mouse somatic cells with lineage specifiers, Cell 153, 963-975 (2013).
  91. Yang, X., Jost, A. P., Weiner, O.*, and Tang, C*. A light-inducible organelle targeting system for dynamically activating and inactivating signaling in budding yeast, Mol Biol Cell 24, 2419-2430 (2013).
  92. Yang X, Lau K-Y, Sevim V, Tang C*. Design Principles of the Yeast G1/S Switch. PLoS Biol 11(10): e1001673 (2013).
  93. Z. Li, S. Bianco, Z. Zhang and C. Tang*. Generic properties of random gene regulatory networks. Quantitative Biology 1(4): 253-260 (2013).
  94. N. Yin, W. Ma, J. Pei, Q. Ouyang, C. Tang and L. Lai*. Synergistic and Antagonistic Drug Combinations Depend on Network Topology. PLoS ONE 9(4): e93960 (2014).
  95. A. Stern, S. Bianco, M. T. Yeh, C. Wright, K. Butcher, C. Tang, R. Nielsen and R. Andino*. Costs and Benefits of Mutational Robustness in RNA Viruses. Cell Reports 8:1026-1036 (2014).
  96. C. Chang* and C. Tang*. Community detection for networks with unipartite and bipartite structure. New Journal of Physics 16(9), 093001 (2014).
  97. D. Lu, J. Y. Hsiao, N. E. Davey, V. A. V. Voorhis, S. A. Foster, C. Tang* and D. O. Morgan*. Multiple mechanisms determine the order of APC/C substrate degradation in mitosis. The Journal of Cell Biology 207(1): 23-29 (2014).
  98. Xili Liu, Xin Wang, Xiaojing Yang, Sen Liu, Lingli Jiang, Yimiao Qu, Lufeng Hu, Qi Ouyang, Chao Tang*. Reliable cell cycle commitment in budding yeast is ensured by signal integration. eLife: e03977 (2015).
  99. Hui Shi, Xin Wang, Xiaorong Mo, Chao Tang, Shangwei Zhong*, and Xing Wang Deng*. Arabidopsis DET1 degrades HFR1 but stabilizes PIF1 to precisely regulate seed germination. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, 3817 (2015).
  100. X. Ping, C. Tang*. An Atlas of Network Topologies Reveals Design Principles for Caenorhabditis elegans Vulval Precursor Cell Fate Patterning. PLoS ONE 10(6): e0131397 (2015).
  101. C. Tang. What Have the Principles of Engineering Taught Us about Biological Systems? Cell Systems 2, 7 (2016).
  102. Liyang Xiong, Wenjia Shi and Chao Tang*. Adaptation through proportion. Physical Biology 13(4) 046007 (2016).
  103. Huan Hu, Hongmin Zhang, Sheng Wang, Miao Ding, Hui An, Yingping Hou, Xiaojing Yang, Wensheng Wei*, Yujie Sun*, Chao Tang*. Live visualization of genomic loci with BiFC-TALE. Scientific Reports 7, 40192 (2017).
  104. W. Shi, W. Ma, L. Xiong, M. Zhang, C. Tang*. Adaptation with transcriptional regulation. Scientific Reports 7, 42648 (2017). 
  105. Zhi-Bo Zhang, Qiu-Yue Wang, Yu-Xi Ke, Shi-Yu Liu, Jian-Qi Ju, Wendell A. Lim, Chao Tang, Ping Wei*. Design of Tunable Oscillatory Dynamics in a Synthetic NF-κB Signaling Circuit. Cell Systems 5, 1-11 (2017).
  106. Li-Hui Cao, Dong Yang, Wei Wu, Xiankun Zeng, Bi-Yang Jing, Meng-Tong Li, Shanshan Qin, Chao Tang, Yuhai Tu, Dong-Gen Luo*. Odor-evoked inhibition of olfactory sensory neurons drives olfactory perception in Drosophila. Nature Communications 8:1357 (2017).
  107. P. Yu, Q. Nie*, C. Tang*, and L. Zhang*, “Nanog induced intermediate state in regulating stem cell differentiation and reprogramming,” BMC Syst. Biol. 12: 22 (2018). 
  108. Gao, Z., Chen, S., Qin, S. & Tang, C*. Network Motifs Capable of Decoding Transcription Factor Dynamics. Sci. Rep. 8, 1–10 (2018). 
  109. S. Qin and C. Tang*. "Early-warning signals of critical transition: Effect of extrinsic noise". Physical Review E, 97(3), 032406 (2018).
  110. L. Yu, et alLeqian Yu, Junjun Li, Jiayin Hong, Yasuhiro Takashima, Nanae Fujimoto, Minako Nakajima, Akihisa Yamamoto, Xiaofeng Dong, Yujiao Dang, Yu Hou, Wei Yang, Itsunari Minami, Keisuke Okita, Motomu Tanaka, Chunxiong Luo, Fuchou Tang, Yong Chen, Chao Tang*, Hidetoshi Kotera*, and Li Liu*. Low Cell-Matrix Adhesion Reveals Two Subtypes of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reports 11(1): 142-156 (2018).
  111. J. Shen, F. Liu, M. Petkova and C. Tang*. "Toward deciphering developmental patterning with deep neural network." bioRxiv (2018): 374439. 
  112. Zongmao Gao, Haoyuan Sun, Shanshan Qin, Xiaojing Yang, Chao Tang*. "A systematic study of the determinants of protein abundance memory in cell lineage." Science Bulletin 63(16): 1051-1058 (2018).
  113. Mingyue Zhang and Chao Tang*. “Bi-functional biochemical networks,” Physical biology 16, 016001 (2019). 
  114. Xin Wang, Kang Xia, Xiaojing Yang, Chao Tang*. “Growth strategy of microbes on mixed carbon sources.” Nature Communications 10: 1279 (2019).
  115. Shanshan Qin, Qianyi Li, Chao Tang*, and Yuhai Tu*, “The optimal odor-receptor interaction network is sparse in olfactory systems: Compressed sensing by nonlinear neurons with a finite dynamic range,” bioRxiv, 464875 (2019). 
  116. Yimiao Qu, Jun Jiang, Xiang Liu, Ping Wei, Xiaojing Yang, Chao Tang*. “Cell cycle inhibitor Whi5 records environmental information to coordinate growth and division in yeast.” Cell Reports, accepted.


2015年 《生物网络的可计算建模》,国家自然科学基金委员会(项目号:91430217

2014年 《基于蛋白质调控网络的系统生物学研究》首席科学家,国家重点基础研究发展计划(973发展计划)项目 (项目号:2015CB910300)



《爱因斯坦文集》(商务印书馆,许良英等编译),《物理定律的本性》(费曼Feynman著),《The Elements of Style (William Struck),《人类简史》(赫拉利Harari著),《莫泊桑短篇小说选》







