Dear Professor,
The ParisTech Doctoral Institute and the ParisTech local branch in China launch a coordinated recruitment procedure to select the highy qualified and motivated Chinese students to carry on doctoral program at ParisTech. This program is organized in closed relation with the CSC.
The students interested in following a doctoral program at ParisTech can apply directly on line. For the first time this year, a list of 83 PhD subjects in 12 fields of research, proposed by the laboratories of ParisTech, has been set up to make It easier for the Chinese students to apply for a Doctoral program of ParisTech.
A new website, dedicated to the programs of ParisTech in China has been created especially for the communication towards our Chinese partners and students.
Please find here the link to the annoucement of the program :
The students will have the possibiity to apply either for 1 to 3 subjects of the list, or to apply for a fiel of research.
The calendar and the application procedure are also online. We would be glad if we could benefit for your kind help and cooperation to inform your students about this opportunity. The deadline for the application has been postponed until December 5th.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions you might have about this overseas scheme. Your advice and support are very much appreciated.
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you soon.
ParisTech China
A109, Centre Franco-Chinois
Tongji University, No.1239 Siping Road