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演讲题目:Planet-Scale Sensing: From Lab to the Real World

演讲人:赵峰博士 ,微软亚洲研究院常务副院长,美国电气电子工程师学会院士(IEEE Fellow)

    在加入微软亚洲研究院之前,赵博士是微软总部雷德蒙研究院的首席研究员,负责网络嵌入式计算组。他领导开发了微软研究院传感器尘粒、微型网络服务、SenseWeb和SensorMap、数据中心基因组、焦耳计量器以及GAMPS数据压缩。 借助多项赵博士研发的技术,如今的微软数据中心被誉为全球仪表化与监控最为密集的云计算基础架构。
    赵博士是美国电气电子工程师学会院士(IEEE Fellow),《美国计算机学会传感网络汇刊》(ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks)的创刊总编辑,并且撰写或合作撰写了超过100篇技术论文和书籍,其中包括摩根考夫曼出版的《无线传感器网络:信息处理方法》(与Leo Guibas合著)。赵博士获得过许多奖项,其中包括美国斯隆研究奖(Sloan Research Fellow), 美国国家科学基金青年研究奖(US National Science Foundation (NSF) Young Investigator Award )与美国海军研究局青年研究奖(Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Award)。他的研究曾被BBC国际频道,商业周刊及科技评论等著名新闻媒体报道。 
    赵博士毕业于上海交通大学,并在美国麻省理工午夜直播app (MIT) 获得电机工程与计算机科学博士学位。在加入微软之前赵博士曾在位于硅谷的施乐帕洛阿尔托研究中心(Xerox Palo Alto Research Center) 担任首席科学家工作,领导该中心的传感器网络研究,并任教于美国俄亥俄州立大学和斯坦福大学。

地点:理科一号楼 1418学术报告厅

演讲题目: Pursuit of Low-dimensional Structures in High-dimensional Data

演讲摘要:In this talk, we will discuss a new class of models and techniques that can effectively model and extract rich low-dimensional structures in high-dimensional data such as images and videos, despite nonlinear transformation, gross corruption, or severely compressed measurements. This work leverages recent advancements in convex optimization for recovering low-rank or sparse signals that provide both strong theoretical guarantees and efficient and scalable algorithms for solving such high-dimensional combinatorial problems. These results and tools actually generalize to a large family of low-complexity structures whose associated (convex) regularizers are decomposable. We illustrate how these new mathematical models and tools could bring disruptive changes to solutions to many challenging tasks in computer vision, image processing, and pattern recognition. We will also illustrate some emerging applications of these tools to other data types such as web documents, image tags, microarray data, audio/music analysis, and graphical models.


This is joint work with John Wright of Columbia, Emmanuel Candes of Stanford, Zhouchen Lin of Peking University, and my students Zhengdong Zhang, Xiao Liang of Tsinghua University, Arvind Ganesh, Zihan Zhou, Kerui Min and Hossein Mobahi of UIUC. 

演讲人简介:马毅,微软亚洲研究院首席研究员,电气电子工程师学会院士(IEEE Fellow): Yi Ma is a Principal Researcher and the Research Manager of the Visual Computing group at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing since January 2009. Before that he was a professor at the Electrical & Computer Engineering Department of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His main research interest is in computer vision, high-dimensional data analysis, and systems theory. He is the first author of the popular vision textbook “An Invitation to 3-D Vision," published by Springer in 2003. Yi Ma received his Bachelors’ degree in Automation and Applied Mathematics from Tsinghua University (Beijing, China) in 1995, a Master of Science degree in EECS in 1997, a Master of Arts degree in Mathematics in 2000, and a PhD degree in EECS in 2000, all from the University of California at Berkeley. Yi Ma received the David Marr Best Paper Prize at the International Conference on Computer Vision 1999, the Longuet-Higgins Best Paper Prize at the European Conference on Computer Vision 2004, and the Sang Uk Lee Best Student Paper Award with his students at the Asian Conference on Computer Vision in 2009. He also received the CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation in 2004 and the Young Investigator Award from the Office of Naval Research in 2005. He was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI) from 2007 to 2011. He is currently an associate editor of the International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), the IMA journal on Information and Inference, SIAM journal on Imaging Sciences, and IEEE transactions on Information Theory. He has served as the chief guest editor for special issues for the Proceedings of IEEE and the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine. He will also serve as Program Chair for ICCV 2013 and General Chair for ICCV 2015. He is a Fellow of IEEE.